
Relative Adoption

At Greenberg & Greenberg, we understand the deep personal commitment involved in relative adoptions. With extensive experience assisting over 6,000 families, including many through relative adoptions both domestically and internationally from non-Hague countries, our attorneys are well-equipped to provide the expert guidance and support necessary for navigating this complex legal process.

Why Consider Relative Adoption?

Welcoming Family

Adopting a family member often arises under challenging circumstances, such as the untimely death, incarceration, or incapacitation of a child’s parents, or intervention by social services. Whatever the situation, adopting a relative solidifies your legal relationship with the child, granting you full parental rights and responsibilities. This legal bond is crucial for making decisions about the child's welfare, including education, health care, and inheritance.

A family is sitting on a blanket in the woods.
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The state requires potential adoptive relatives to meet certain criteria, which may include criminal background checks, home studies, and other pre-certification requirements. These steps ensure that the child will be placed in a safe and nurturing environment.

Eligibility and Pre-certification

Filing of the Petition

Once pre-certification is complete, our attorneys will help you prepare and file a formal petition with the court to request the adoption. This petition is a crucial document that outlines your relationship with the child and your capability to provide for their needs.

Court Proceedings

After filing the petition, the court will schedule a hearing to review the adoption request. Our lawyers will represent you during these proceedings, presenting your case and addressing any legal challenges that may arise.

Bringing Loved Ones Closer

If you are considering adopting a relative — whether you are a grandparent, aunt, uncle, sibling, or another close family member — it's important to understand both the challenges and the profound rewards of this process. Greenberg & Greenberg is committed to supporting you every step of the way. Our seasoned New York adoption lawyers combine legal prowess with a compassionate approach, ensuring that you receive the comprehensive support and representation needed to achieve a successful adoption outcome.

Solidifying Bonds

From Family Connection to Legal Protection

The journey to adopt a relative involves nuanced legal landscapes and emotional considerations. Don't navigate this path alone. Contact Greenberg & Greenberg today to discuss your relative adoption needs. Our dedication and expertise make us a trusted ally in securing your family's future through adoption.

Two young boys are hugging each other in a field of yellow flowers.
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